Open London - SME Challenge Registration Form

What Is Open London?

The Open London project brings together London residents, large organisations, and innovative London Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to solve socio-economic, health and environmental challenges and increase living standards in London.

Based on an open innovation model, it takes residents' insights and aligns these with urgent and important requirements of local authorities or businesses i.e., London boroughs, contractors, corporates, local communities etc. working towards solving pressing issues across London.

Open London will support 90 London SMEs or social enterprises to scale their innovations to solve pressing London challenges. The project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and delivered by Newable on behalf of the Greater London Authority.

Is your business eligible?

To be eligible to join this subsidised programme, your business must:

- Be based in London
- Be registered in the UK
- Meet the SMEs (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) criteria according to the European SME definition

To be suitable to join this programme, your business must:

- Have an innovative solution to a key London challenge in one of the Open London challenge areas.
- Commit to attending all six sessions as part of the Open London Accelerator Programme

For any enquiries contact us at:

020 7260 3100