Norvic Healthcare is a Care Agency business based in Norfolk. Founded in 1999, they supply qualified nurses and healthcare assistants to NHS hospitals, private hospitals, and care homes. Norvic Healthcare also provides homecare services to individuals in their own homes.

Norvic currently has 90 healthcare professionals and nurses under their employment, providing highly skilled care agency staff across Norfolk and Suffolk.

Norvic lost a major client in October 2017 due to closure and as a result lost a significant number of its bank staff.

Upon receiving a loan from Newable, recipients are entitled to 12 hours of free mentoring support. Newable provided a loan to Norvic in May 2018, and their mentoring support came in the form of Carolene Thompson, Customer Growth Manager at Newable and an award-winning business mentor.

Carolene’s mentoring has enabled Norvic to build on its strengths while addressing its developing needs. Bringing their digital marketing in-house has improved the conversion rate for staff recruitment and significantly increased their bank staff. Identifying gaps in their service provision, while improving and encouraging better processes and practices, has doubled the number of clients in one of the services provided, helping increase overall turnover.

Norvic is re-branding their business, has released a new website, and introduced new uniforms. With Carolene’s help, they continue to search for further ways to improve the services they provide.