CMS, part of the Newable Group, is deeply invested in the training and development of apprentices. In the last fiscal year, CMS had 48 apprentices in its programme, demonstrating a strong commitment to nurturing new talent.

Apprentices play a crucial role in helping CMS achieve their corporate goals. They are integral to the growth of the company, with apprentices present in office administration, accounts, and all engineering teams. CMS has found that apprentices, having grown with the company, understand the “what and why” of the business far better than those recruited already trained. Moreover, the career lifespan of an apprentice tends to be longer.

Upon completion of their training, apprentices receive qualifications or certifications corresponding to their roles. CMS continues to support apprentices in their career progression post-apprenticeship by identifying and providing additional skills they require.

There are numerous success stories of former apprentices at CMS. For instance, Geoff Jubb, a member of the senior management team, started his career as an apprentice plumber and gas engineer with CMS over 17 years ago. He has since been cross-skilled into catering and refrigeration, supervisor, and team manager roles. He was sponsored through a Senior Leader’s Apprenticeship at Sunderland University where he gained his MBA.

Looking ahead, CMS has ambitious plans for its apprenticeship programme. It has recruited a manager, Geoff Barrass, whose sole responsibility is for the recruitment and success of its apprentices. CMS is committed to recruiting more than 40 apprentices per year across the business.


A variety of training is available to apprentices at CMS including:

Business Administration NVQ Level 2 and Level 3

Accounts / Finance Assistance ATT Level 2

Plumbing NVQ Level 2

Plumbing and Gas NVQ Level 3

HVAC NVQ Level 3

Air Conditioning NVQ Level 2 and 3

Electrical Engineering NVQ Level 2 and Level 3

Senior Leader MBA