In our ESG Strategy, Newable pledges to send no waste to landfill by 2030. What this means is that we will favour wherever possible alternative and greener ways of disposing of waste (such as recycling). This will also require us to change and improve our procurement decisions.
The ideal scenario is where the products we purchase come in no packaging at all, but where that’s not possible we will aim to buy in bulk, second-hand products and buy in recyclable packaging.
Sustainable behaviour
Through our Environment Team blog, we are educating our employees on sustainable behaviour at the office and also at home. That includes how to better recycle and reduce one’s own footprint.
Using our volunteering hours to clean our surroundings
While we are trying to promote changes and sustainable behaviour at the office, we also encourage employees to volunteer some of their time towards environmental initiatives. This July 2022, the Newable Governance Team used some of their volunteering hours for a London beach clean-up day organised by ByWaters in collaboration with our office manager, Landsec.
Find out more about our ESG strategy and commitments here.