The people strategy aims to support Newable’s values and deliver on the Group’s strategic business plan through the recruitment, development, and retention of the best talent. It also aims to show how we value, support, and manage our people, and foster a culture to enable everyone to work at their best within an open, diverse, and inclusive environment.

We engage with Best Companies, a national recognition programme that sets the standard for workplace engagement and employee wellbeing. The Best Companies survey, which is strictly confidential and anonymous, enables Newable to measure, recognise and improve levels of workplace engagement. Newable has achieved the ‘Ones to Watch’ accreditation for its fourth consecutive year which shows we consistently have good levels of engagement across the Group.

Although we are not required by law to disclose headline people statistics, in line with best practice Newable voluntarily produces data for the Group on the diversity of its people. We have summarised a number of key people statistics as of 31 March 2022.

  • There are 848 FTE staff across the Group compared to 670 FTE staff a year ago.
  • The staff turnover rate across the Group is 25% which includes both voluntary and involuntary leavers.
  • The ethnic minority proportion rate increased from 22.5% to 25.7% in the last 12 months for Newable Ltd. The ethnic minority proportion rate for the Group is 13.5% which is in line with the UK population ethnic minority proportion rate of 13.2%.
  • The gender ratio at Newable Ltd is 59% men versus 41% women compared to 58.6% men versus 41.4% women a year ago. The gender ratio across the Group is 65.6% men versus 31.5% women (2.9% did not declare their gender status).
  • Newable Ltd.’s median gender pay gap has increased by 4% points to 9.9% (5.85% previously) whereas the median ethnic pay gap has decreased by 1% points to 0.4% (1.4% previously).
  • There is no ethnic pay gap or gender pay gap when all Group companies are consolidated into one report.


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